Update your personal data 100% online, simply and securely, without going to the bank. It takes about 10 minutes! You only need: valid ID card, mobile phone or any other device (tablet, laptop or desktop) with camera and Internet access, and a valid email address. Updating your personal data is a legal mandatory process, and failure to do so may result in restricted access to the banking products and services you have at Credit Europe Bank.

Your online shopping, now even safer.

We have improved the authentication steps through 3D Secure* for online transactions by credit or debit card.


Symbol BNR Buy Sell
EUR 4,9760 4,9000 5,0500
USD 4,6098 4,5200 4,6700
GBP 5,9344 5,8300 6,0100
CHF 5,1961 5,1500 5,2700
SEK 0,4563 0,4200 0,4740
100 JPY 3,1169 3,0600 3,2200

* Current account exchange rates

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Natural person 1 month* 3 months
EUR 0,60% 1,00%
RON 5,75% 6,75%
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Index Last update Rate
EURIBOR 12 LUNI 07.03.2025 2.44800%
EURIBOR 6 LUNI 07.03.2025 2.39400%
IRCC 01.01.2025 5.66000%
ROBOR 3 LUNI 07.03.2025 5.93000%
ROBOR 6 LUNI 07.03.2025 5.99000%
SARON 1MC+M1 07.03.2025 0.38330%
SARON 3MC+M3 07.03.2025 0.48540%
SARON 3MC+M6 07.03.2025 0.55640%
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Your online shopping, now even safer.

We want to make sure that you enjoy online shopping in the safest conditions. For this, we have improved the authentication steps through 3D Secure* for online transactions by credit or debit card. 

What’s changing?

Until now, the first step required you to introduce the last 6 numbers of your Personal Identity Code**. They will be replaced with a static password, chosen by you.

How to choose a static password?

During your first online transaction starting from 28.12.2020, you will see the following screen. Here, you will choose a static password, only known to you, which you will use for all future online transactions:


1.    Enter the last 6 numbers of your Personal Identity Code.
2.    In the “New static password” field, enter your new 6-figure password. 
3.    In the “Enter again” field, enter the password again. 
4.    Press the “CONFIRM!” button!
5.    Get a text message with the dynamic password, which you will enter in the next secured page. 

For future online transactions, you will only enter the 6-figure static password chosen by you and the dynamic password received by text message. The 2-step 3D Secure protocol has to be implemented by the online shop as well. Otherwise, you will confirm the payment in only one step, with the dynamic password received by text message. 

What do you do if you forget the static password? 

Call CEBLine: 0801.000.000 (from Telekom landline) or 0750.000.000 / 0724.100.000 (from any network) and a bank representative will help you change the password. 

You can also confirm online transactions through the AVANTAJ2go app! 

Descarcă aplicația AVANTAJ2go și ai control total asupra cardului tău.

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