Nurture your money in the easiest way possible: with monet, the new mobile banking application from Credit Europe Bank
From now on, the way you manage your money has received a safer, more intuitive and more efficient upgrade!
Symbol | BNR | Buy | Sell |
EUR | 4,9772 | 4,9000 | 5,0500 |
USD | 4,6173 | 4,5300 | 4,6800 |
GBP | 5,9711 | 5,8800 | 6,0600 |
CHF | 5,2210 | 5,1600 | 5,2800 |
SEK | 0,4597 | 0,4280 | 0,4820 |
100 JPY | 3,0590 | 3,0000 | 3,1600 |
* Current account exchange rates
Find out moreNatural person | 1 month* | 3 months |
EUR | 0,60% | 1,00% |
RON | 5,75% | 6,75% |
Index | Last update | Rate |
EURIBOR 12 LUNI | 28.03.2025 | 2.34900% |
EURIBOR 6 LUNI | 28.03.2025 | 2.37900% |
IRCC | 01.01.2025 | 5.66000% |
ROBOR 3 LUNI | 28.03.2025 | 5.90000% |
ROBOR 6 LUNI | 28.03.2025 | 5.98000% |
SARON 1MC+M1 | 28.03.2025 | 0.32210% |
SARON 3MC+M3 | 28.03.2025 | 0.42540% |
SARON 3MC+M6 | 28.03.2025 | 0.49640% |
Why to install monet mobile banking app?
Extra benefits
- +3 installments for your purchases through CardAvantaj*;
- 0 commission for interbank transfers made through monet application, regardless of the amount or currency of the transaction**;
- +0.5% extra interest compared to the standard interest for deposits constituted through the monet application, regardless of the amount or currency of the deposit**;
- Up to 5.75% per year for deposits in LEI
- Up to 2.25% per year for deposits in EURO
- Up to 3.25% per year on USD deposits
- 3.5% interest for savings accounts in Lei regardless of the account balance**.
Manage your accounts faster
- You can view the balances of your open accounts at Credit Europe Bank in the application interface;
- You can open new checking and savings accounts easier and faster than ever before;
- You can run statements for your accounts opened at Credit Europe Bank;
- Access your monthly debit and credit card statements directly from the app.
You are always up to date with the status of your debit / credit cards
- You can quickly and in real time check your credit limit and available bonus (if applicable) for your credit cards;
- You can consult the transactions made since the issuance of the last account statement, the transactions being settled, as well as the channel through which they were made (e.g. POS, e-commerce, card account, etc.);
- In the case of credit cards, you can view at any time the number and value of the future installments related to the purchases made;
- You have access at any time to the monthly account statements related to your credit / debit cards;
- You can activate or deactivate, directly from the application, the option to use the credit / debit card for online transactions (only valid for individuals);
- You can pay the monthly payment amount for the credit card by transfer from your current account and you can choose from the preset options to pay the minimum mandatory amount, the total amount for the current month (not including future installments) or another amount selected by you.
You enjoy payments, transfers and currency exchange at preferential costs
- You make quick transfers, both in lei and foreign currency, between your own accounts;
- Make payments in lei to beneficiaries with accounts in lei opened at banks in the country, and to the State Treasury;
- Make your utility payments simply and easily with help of the dedicated option in the application;
- You create and save templates for the same payment order types;
- You can perform foreign exchange operations with the amounts held in your accounts, you can consult the exchange rate applied by the bank for the currencies in which it is possible to trade, as well as the history of foreign exchange operations performed on the accounts.
* The offer is valid until 31.12.2024, for transactions of at least 1,000 Lei, made both at partner stores and outside them. The bank will automatically add 3 additional installments for installment transactions and non-installment transactions will be automatically split into 3 installments. The benefit will be granted starting with the next working day after the date on which the client successfully authenticated in the monet mobile banking application. For additional details see the Campaign Regulations.
** Offers for transfers made, constituted deposits and savings accounts, are valid until 31.12.2024.
The main operations you can perform
- Payments in lei: payments can be made to beneficiaries - other clients of the bank, as well as to the clients of any other bank as well as to state treasuries;
- Payments in foreign currency: foreign currency payments can be made both to other customers of the bank and to customers of any other bank, whether from the country or abroad;
- Scheduled payments: payment orders can be set and they will be made at a time interval set by the client;
- Payment templates: templates can be set for the same type of payment order. For example, when making monthly payments to a supplier, information can be saved in a template that will not change from one payment to another. When you want to make a new payment, select the saved model and fill in only the rest of the information;
- Transfers between own accounts;
- Currency exchange: the customer can perform currency exchange operations on the amounts held in his accounts.
- Now you can opt for term deposits and / or with monthly payment for a period of 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 or 24 months;
- Open deposits can be closed on the spot, at your choice;
- Deposits can be made automatically by selecting the source account you have opened at Credit Europe Bank.
Credit Cards
- Available information: the available balance and available bonus amount of the credit card can be checked in real time;
- Transaction information: it is possible to consult the transactions made since the issuance of the last account statement, the transactions being settled, as well as the channel through which they were made (e.g. POS, e-commerce, card account, etc.);
- Installment information: the number and value of future installments related to purchases made through CardAvantaj can be viewed;
- Account statements: the monthly account statements of the credit card can be accessed;
- E-commerce transactions: the permission to use the credit card for e-commerce transactions can be activated or deactivated;
- Credit card repayment: the application offers preset options for paying the mandatory minimum amount, the total amount for the current month (without future installments) or another amount chosen by the customer.
The following operations can be performed through the monet application:
- Consult accounts, balances and information about the products held at the Bank;
- Opening current / savings accounts;
- Listing transactions history for current accounts held;
- Consult the account statement for the accounts held at the Bank.
Support / Assistance
- Exchange rate information;
- Territorial units and ATMs information (location). To access this functionality you must allow the application to access your location;
- Messenger service.
Security recommendations for safely accessing the monet app
Smartphones have become irreplaceable! We already use them for various activities, not just for making calls. Almost all work is now done using smartphones. Now almost everything happens with the help of a smartphone: banking, online shopping, e-mail, surfing the Internet, etc. Most of us keep a lot of important or personal data on our mobile phone.
Due to the increase in the number of applications downloaded, shared or installed, these smartphones are becoming more and more vulnerable to various types of malware.
In order to prevent unauthorized use of the monet application, we recommend that you implement the security measures below:
- Keep the security elements safe, for which purpose it will take all necessary precautions to preserve their confidentiality and security, to prevent fraud and / or their unauthorized / improper use;
- Request to block access to the monet application (if you suspect any security risk) by calling the Bank at +40750.202.000, available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week;
- Adhere to at least the following security standards / mobile security best practices:
- Download monet only from the official App Store and Google Play Store and use only the official versions on your phone;
- Access the monet app only from mobile devices without modifications that may affect the security of the device (for example, the monet app may NOT be installed on devices on which software has been installed that allows the device's default security restrictions to be removed);
- Will not register, respectively will not allow the registration in the device used (tablet and / or smartphone) of the fingerprint of a third person, when he has opted for accessing the Service and authorizing operations through the fingerprint, or as the case may be, facial recognition;
- Will not communicate to anyone the method of unlocking the phone or / or the access code;
- Periodically change the access code;
- Install an Antivirus software to scan the applications installed on the mobile device;
- Makes all required updates for both the operating system and applications;
- Update the monet app immediately when new versions are available in Google Play (for Android) or Apple Store (for iOS), as new versions bring improvements and may fix bugs or vulnerabilities;
- Will not leave the smartphone unattended when authenticated and will ensure that its screen is not visible to unauthorized persons when conducting confidential operations;
- It will be careful when opening the links it receives via SMS or e-mails;
- Always check the permissions of the apps you download;
- Blocks automatic connection to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
To increase the prevention of online fraud and to reduce the number of unpaid payments generated by the wrong entry of the payee's IBAN account, you can now use the Beneficiary Name Display Service. It helps you, in the case of interbank payments in lei, to verify the identity of the IBAN account holder when you intend to make a payment via Internet or Mobile Banking, to accounts opened at a Romanian banking institution that has also joined the SANB. The service is also functional for intrabank payments in lei. Thus, when entering the IBAN code in the payment screen in lei, the data of the payee will be truncated, namely the first name and initial of the name of the natural person or part of the name of the legal person. If you notice discrepancies between the information displayed by the Bank and the information you have, you can decide not to authorize the payment.
Check the list of participating banks here.