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Information notice regarding the processing of personal data that are performed in the context of SARS-Cov2


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Information notice

Information notice regarding the processing of personal data that are performed in the context of the legislative measures adopted as a result of the evolution of the international epidemiological situation determined by the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus ("SARS - Cov2 context"), addressed to the clients who request the granting some facilities for loans already granted.

In addition to the data processing performed in accordance with the Bank's Privacy Policy, as communicated to you and found at https://www.crediteurope.ro/Politica-de-confidentialitate, it is possible for the Bank to carry out and other personal data processing, which we inform you below.

Regarding the categories of data, we process the information you provide us, about you, about third parties to the credit or third parties who live or house together with you, these can also be special data.

It is possible to process data related to the location of the data subject (details related to a possible institutionalized quarantine or isolation at home, location in quarantined areas or localities), related to the hospitalization or health status of a person, including possible non-compliance of the data subject to measures taken to prevent or combat infectious diseases and / or other essential information regarding the possibility of contacting a person infected with an infectious disease. However, we encourage you not to transmit such data to us, unless the legal provisions also expressly require you and in a form, that discloses the minimum required information.

It is possible for us to obtain personal data from other sources than the usual ones, for example from the authorities entitled to take public health measures (such as public health directions) or in the context of your visit to our units.

We share the data we hold about you, including with state authorities (if we are expressly requested, for example with public health directions), with institution such as credit bureaus (strictly regarding credit status and other information regarding this, not being given special data) or, for example, with FNGCIMM, in the case of loans for which such a legal provision is in force.

We process these personal data, mainly, in order to comply with the legal provisions (granting payment facilities in the context of SARS-Cov2, ensuring health and safety at work, in the premises and territorial units of the Bank), based on your consent (in the eventuality) in which you send us unsolicited information and no other basis has been intervened for their processing), in legitimate interest (for example, ensuring health and safety at work, if another basis is not applicable) and for carrying out a task that serves a major public interest, under the aforementioned exceptional legislation (for example, the legislation on the omission of the declaration of information and the one on the prevention of disease control). In general, the aforementioned grounds are correlated with that of the execution of the contract to which you are a party.

This Information Note is applicable in the context of the epidemiological situation caused by the spread of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and represents a complement to the Privacy Policy, as it is found in the General Business Conditions of the Bank, also available on the Bank's website.

The rights of the data subjects can be exercised according to the details existing in the Bank's Privacy Policy, to which we refer on the first page of this document. These are: The right to information; The right of access to data; The right to rectification; The right to delete data ("the right to be forgotten"); The right to restrict the processing; The right to data portability; The right to opposition; The right not to be subject to an individual decision; The right to lodge a complaint with an authority or to sue.

For more details regarding the personal data processing activities carried out by the Bank or in the situation in which you wish to exercise any of the legal rights in relation to the processing of the data as a data subject, you can submit a written, dated and signed (by hand) holograph request, sent in paper format to any of our territorial units whose addresses can be found on the CEB or electronic site by e-mail, scanned, at office@crediteurope.ro. You can also address the CEB responsible for data protection by e-mail at dpo@crediteurope.ro or by letter at: CREDIT EUROPE BANK (ROMANIA) S.A., Timișoara Boulevard no. 26Z, Anchor Plaza Building, Sector 6, Bucharest.

The information regarding the processing of personal data detailed by the provisions of the present Information Notice is supplemented at any time and exclusively in addition to the other information made available by the Bank, including without limitation, through: Privacy Policy, General Conditions of Business, cookie policy, information notes regarding the processing of personal data provided in the context of the various specific products and services offered by the Bank (for example, information on data processing in the Credit Bureau system provided at the request of granting a credit) , information through internet banking, applications for mobile phones, ATMs, Bank locations, during telephone calls with and / or without human operator or any other.


Consult here Credit Europe Bank's Privacy Policy!

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